Download Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 from

The Microsoft .NET Framework 3 is the new managed code programming model for Windows®. It combines the power of the .NET Framework version 2.0 with new technologies for building applications that have visually compelling user experiences, seamless communication across technology boundaries, and the ability to support a wide range of business processes. Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on Windows 8.1, RT 8.1 Jul 30, 2018 دانلود Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 /4.0 / 4.5 / 4.5.1 آموزش فعالسازی Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 برای ویندوز 10: برای ویندوز 10 از طرف مایکروسافت، فایل نصب رسمی برای نسخه ی 3.5 ارائه نشده است. Enable .NET Framework 3.5 by using Windows PowerShell Enable .NET Framework 3.5 by using Windows PowerShell. 05/02/2017; 2 minutes to read; In this article. For a Windows Server installation that is not connected to the Internet, you can use Windows PowerShell to add .NET Framework 3.5 and provide access to the \sources\sxs folder on the installation media. The \sources\sxs folder can be copied to network share (for example, \\network\share\sxs

Nov 12, 2010

NET Framework 3.5 - Hỗ trợ chạy ứng dụng trên windows. NET Framework 3.5 là phiên bản tiếp theo của ứng dụng NET Framework với nhiều sửa lỗi cho các phiên bản trước cùng một số bổ sung về tính năng hỗ trợ tốt hơn cho việc lập trình các ứng dụng.Có nhiều cách để bạn cài đặt NET Framework 3.5 trên windows 7, thúc

Dec 13, 2016

Error - .NET Framework 3.5 must be installed - Windows 10 Check the box next to the “.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)” to enable it and then click on “OK”. Choose the option to “Download files from Windows Update” After the installation of .NET 3.5 is successful install your Autodesk product. [Fix] Error 0x800F0954 Installing .NET Framework 3.5 or Here is the steps to install .NET Framework 3.5 from the Windows 10 setup disk or ISO: Obtain the latest Windows 10 ISO (assuming that your Windows 10 system … How to Repair or Reinstall .NET Framework 3.5 | .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is included in these two OSes and cannot be installed, repaired or uninstalled via the .NET Framework setup file. They need to be enabled or disabled as Windows Features. In Windows 7 and 2008R2 disabling .NET 3.5 SP1 is the same thing as Uninstalling or removing. .Net Framework 3.5 WILL NOT INSTALL. - Microsoft® Community