UPC Polska powstało w wyniku przejęcia przez UPC Polskiej Telewizji Kablowej. Ostatnia awaria: 24 lipca 2020 22:49 Mam problem z UPC Awarie UPC

16.03.2020 UPC bezplatne zrýchľuje internet pre domácnosti s pomalším pripojením 02.12.2019 Internetová televízia od UPC je oddnes dostupná všade na Slovensku 07.11.2019 Výsledky UPC v 3. štvrťroku 2019: pokračujúci rast predaja a rozširovanie siete Cut out the internet, still valid contract. We were UPC costumers until the last month when I decided to resign due to poor internet connection from the very beginning. They were cutting out the internet time after time every month, we had to connect the TV with our mobile phone internet ( not UPC) in order to watch a movie. Hi! I've noticed that I can succesfully connect to my corporate VPN, but once connected I cannot work anymore: Any application connection, or web browser activity gets suddenly stopped once the VPN connection is stablished. This used to work fine, but apparently something got broken in the last da Apr 27, 2020 · The problems appear to have started at just after 5pm and tend to result in a mix of issues, most commonly slow performance and a loss of internet connectivity approximately every 5-10 minutes (sometimes going offline for a similar length of time).

Pokud internet i po využití uvedených kroků stále nejde, ozvěte se nám, prosím, pokusíme se vše co nejrychleji napravit. Síťový kabel Začneme tím nejjednodušším: restartujte UPC modem odpojením od elektřiny přibližně na minutu.

Hi! I've noticed that I can succesfully connect to my corporate VPN, but once connected I cannot work anymore: Any application connection, or web browser activity gets suddenly stopped once the VPN connection is stablished. This used to work fine, but apparently something got broken in the last da

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No internet, no fixed line and I need the internet for work tomorrow. Thanks upc. So many problems with your network yet you never admit to network problems for Swiss Romandie on your updates site. This has to be a network problem because all my neighbours wifi networks are offline too. Recommendation for anyone considering using upc cablecom